How to Write the Perfect Assignment (You’ll want to Read This):

Assignments, A+, Learning, Essays, Grades, Progressay

Writing assignments is undoubtedly the crux of assessments for students, outlined in Bloom’s taxonomy as the pinnacle of learning, known as ‘Creating‘.

But when it comes to putting pen to paper, it isn’t always every person’s favourite task to do… or the easiest.

As there’s much that hinges on our assignments like University places and careers, it’s imperative that we learn the ingredients to master them if we want to get far.

How to Write Your Perfect Assignment (You’ll want to Read This):

While tackling your assignment, you’ll want to start by arranging your thoughts. According to the University of Essex, essay writing should be split into 3 sections: 

  • Before Writing
  • During Writing
  • After Writing

Let’s have a closer look at each division.

Before Writing

  • Do Your Research 

Researching required sources is of utmost priority before even touching your assignment. Take note of valuable information that you will include; this is an important step as it will save you time later on. 

“Google’ is not a synonym for ‘research’.” 

― Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol

  • Stick your deadline on the wall

We’ve been there: the deadline’s months away, you’ve got enough time to run a marathon and take on the world. And then it hits you – there’s not much time left at all; in fact, it’s next week. Maybe even tomorrow! The deadlines looming, and you haven’t even started.

That’s why it’s so essential to schedule your time before writing an essay. ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK THE DEADLINE! Set aside time every day to work on your assignment, especially if it’s coursework.

Breaking down your time in manageable chunks could be the difference in your A+ or C.


Benjamin Franklin is quoted to have said: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

When you set off on a hike, no doubt you’d plan your gear and route weeks in advance. When travelling on holiday, it’s a no brainer that you’ll be packing and booking before the flight. Writing an assignment isn’t all that different. In order to present your arguments in a logical, coherent and rational manner, planning is crucial. (If you are having trouble with planning, why not download read our post about How To Make Your Studies Work for You by Organising Your Timetable)

During Writing

  • Introduction

Introductions are undoubtedly the core of every essay, with only few students actually hitting the nail on the head. By following the points below, you’ll find the formula for a successful intro!

Anglia Ruskin University in ‘A Helpful Guide to Essay Writing’ have outlined a concise method to the perfect introduction below: 


  • Arouse the reader’s interest
  • Set the scene
  • Explain how you interpret the question set
  • Define or explain key terms if necessary
  • Give a brief outline of which issues you will explore, and in which order’

Outline the body of your argument

The structure of your writing really needs to be crystal clear. You need to make it easy for readers to gauge what your argument is. This means; using relevant quotations, references and evidence. Lastly, ensure your assignment is engaging. 

Anglia Ruskin outlines that the main body should: 

Contains the points outlined in your introduction, divided into paragraphs:

  • Paragraph 1

Covers the first thing you said you would address.

The first sentence (the topic sentence) introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

Other sentences develop the topic.

Include relevant examples, details, evidence, quotations, references.

  • Paragraph 2 and other paragraphs

The first sentence links the paragraph to the previous paragraph then introduces the main idea of the paragraph.”

  • Conclusion

In summary, recap the arguments you addressed in the assignment. You only get one chance at these, so use them wisely. What do you want your readers to take from your assignment?

Keep it short.

After Writing

  • Make sure you’ve answered the question

This is a crucial step you must get into the habit of. Re-reading your assignment, preferably with a fresh pair of eyes, ensures you don’t go off on a tangent. Take a moment to link every paragraph to the introduction to really ram the point home.

  • Spel correctly

If you noticed the spelling mistake above, you’ll realise how essential proper spelling is. It can be really detrimental to the presentation of your assignment if basic words aren’t spelled correctly.  We are fortunate in this day and age to have automatic and inexpensive checkers such as Grammarly and Word spell-checker, so do make use of them. 

This has been adapted from the University of Essex tips for writing an assignment. 

If you still need help with creating the perfect assignment, see below for our list of FREE resources to structure the perfect essays:

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