Your Creative Writing Toolkit [FREE worksheets]

Writing is the painting of the voice!


Contrary to popular belief, creative writing is not a supernatural ability that some are unfairly gifted with; it is a craft that can be honed with practice and support. We’re here to help! With these worksheets, you’ll be writing like some of the best in no time!

Why is creative writing important?

Creative writing allows us to add some flavour to mundane writing, to explore different characters, ideas and create different moods.

In this particular post, we will guide you through two tips to transform your writing for the better. We have also collated worksheets that can help with learning and teaching creative writing in different ways. Below are the worksheets we have made:

  • How to vary sentence structure frame
  • How to use verbs effectively
  • How to write in the style of Roald Dahl
  • How to write in the style of Charles Dickens
  • 11+ Creative Writing Plan

Tip 1. How to vary sentence structure

It just wouldn’t make sense to keep driving through the same path over and over again – you wouldn’t get any further. And yet, students struggle with this on a daily basis, resorting to the same sentence structure again and again. With this in mind, we’ve devised some simple tips for you/your students.

Vary subject choice

  • If your sentences always start in the same way (a name, pronoun, or repeating the same subject) chances are you need a change!
  • You can rearrange your sentence structure to avoid always beginning with the subject.

Vary Your Sentence Length

  • To transform your writing style, you want to avoid relying heavily on short sentences which don’t allow you to make a clear point. You also don’t want to bore readers with monotonous sentences that are too long to digest.
  • Try diversifying your sentence length. You want to master using the right length at the right time.

Start with a subordinate clause

  • To avoid repetitive sentence starters like pronouns, start your sentences with subordinate clauses before the main clause.

Vary your sentence type

  • As with sentence length, your readers will clock on if you’re using the same sentence type without variation. Mix it up!
  • Try having one complex sentence followed by simple, or a compound followed by a complex.

How To Vary Sentence StructureHow To Vary Sentence Structure

We have taken that extra step of creating worksheets that guide you through How To Vary Sentence Structure Download here!

Tip 2. How to use verbs effectively

It is a common misconception among students that the primary function of verbs is ONLY to convey action. We are neglecting a powerful descriptive tool if we do not utilise verbs to their maximum potential. To create impactful descriptions of characters, use VERBS.

The most effective tool of characterisation is bringing a character to life. You want to build a memorable image. Download our Verb Worksheet below for a list of vocabulary to get started.

Take this example below:

“The impatient robber ordered the old lady to hand over her wallet.”

The noun ‘robber’ has been modified with the adjective ‘impatient’, which adds a layer of complexity to the robber’s character. So far, so good.

But let’s say we want to animate this character; this is where verbal nouns make an entrance. Notice the difference below:

Tapping his foot, the impatient robber ordered the old lady to hand over her wallet.

Now, not only do we know the robber is restless, we can see it in his actions.

How To Use Verbs Effectively How To Use Verbs effectively






For more on crafting verbal descriptive passages, download our FREE worksheet bundle here.

Check below for some more resources that can help with Creative Writing!

How to write in the style of Roald Dahl

Download the FREE worksheets with guides on how to craft your best attempt at mirroring Dahl, with step-by-step tips.

how to write like dahl, humour, tip 1, roald dahl

how to write like dahl, adjectives, roald dahl, writing like dickens,

Download here!


How to write in the style of Charles Dickens

Download the FREE worksheets below guiding you through the steps you need to take to write like Charles Dickens.

how to write like Dickens, tip 1, laughter, Dickens, Progressayhow to write like dickens, charles dickens, tip 1, laughter, comedy, try it yourself, creative writing

Download here!


11+ Creative Writing Plan Bundle

Below is a plan guiding you on how to write an 11+ Creative Writing paper allowing you to focus on structuring and descriptions.

Download here!


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